Image may contain: one or more people, ocean, sky, water, outdoor and nature




It’s easy to get caught up in fad diets and “should” and “should nots.” Here are 8 things that I benefit from on a daily basis. Maybe you would too! 😊

1. LOVE YOURSELF unconditionally. This a concept that may take some honest self-reflection followed by some real work if you have not been in a place of loving yourself lately. I’m happy to help. 💙

2. Get into nature at least once a week, trails, the ocean, or a corner of Central Park. When I’m hiking or running on the trail all my feelings and inspirations come forward, it’s a downloading of stored information and feelings, and a letting go of those that don’t serve you anymore. 🌲

3. Eat or drink something fermented everyday. 70% of our immune system is in the gut, take care of it with the beneficial bacteria found in fermented foods. If you need ideas ask me! 🌶

4. Eat vegetables at every meal- all colors ! 🌈

5. Do something that brings you joy and laughter as often as possible, everyday would be ideal. 😂

6. Give love to a living thing everyday. I’m thinking of family, friends, animals … 💕😍

7. Move your body everyday. This will look different for everyone, walk to work, bike to work, yoga, gym, stretch, run, hike, walk, swim, dance in your kitchen, do some push-ups, do some squats, just move that body. 🤸🏽‍♀️🏄🚵🏿💃🏽

8. Take a deep breath and feel gratitude for your life when you’re stressed or anxious. 💙












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